Welcome to, welcome back, to the All Points Cycling Web Site, blog site

We have made it through the Covid 19 worldwide pandemic that all but shut the world down for a little over two years. Life became an – at-home/ your neighborhood thing -.

We have finally brought the website back up onto the information super-highway. Special thanks to Ken at Gentoolink computer/ web services.

I was looking at the new website and the associated blog entries and noticed that the last blog entry was 2018. At that time, I said I come forward – WITH ‘HAT, er bike helmet, IN HAND’. I admitted that I hadn’t published a blog entry for quite some time, and that was 2018. Fast forward through 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, and now we’re about halfway through 2022.

We’ve rebranded with a new name – ALL POINTS CYCLING. It’s a rather large change in the aspect of what skills and services we can deliver. All Points Cycling has added E-Bike (Electric Bicycle) training, skills, techniques, and tactics.

The E-Bike training skills, techniques, and tactics are very important when it comes to understanding E-Bike usage. 2021 and into 2022 have seen E-Bikes as the fastest growing electric conveyance in the world. E-bikes have surpassed regular bikes in sales, worldwide.

Most bike users who are switching to E-Bikes, for a myriad of reasons, I believe don’t fully understand the capability of E-Bikes.

Did you know that E-Bike collisions, at intersections, have almost doubled, over regular bikes? There are reasons for this, and I’ll go into that in a further blog entry.

We’ve also added bike trailers, mainly for industry, but we can also do training for those that want to learn more about safe handling techniques and tactics with personal trailers.

Now add E-Bikes and trailers and you have a combination that doesn’t sound like much of a change, but it really is.

And That is Why you really come to All Points Cycling for the training.

Training, proper training is what will keep you riding safely, defensively, using the skills, techniques, and tactics to take you from a so-so ride to a great ride, and wanting to get back out sooner rather than later.

I have maintained that cycling, no matter at what level, is a thinking game, similar to chess. If your head isn’t in it, and the rider overestimates their abilities, and underestimates those around you and or the riding surface, then you could be heading for disaster… or worse.

Anyway, I just wanted to say I and my team, both on the street and behind the scenes are back!! There are several exciting things coming and projects to be completed to bring more cycling skills, techniques, and tactics to the forefront.

Please take time to take a look through the website. Ken has done an incredible job with the site, and Kim has made me look very good on video/ digital imaging. We have more of both coming, and lots more blog entries ‘in the hopper’, that aren’t quite ready for prime time yet.

Thank you all that have helped me and All points Cycling get back on track and are able to see the vision that the World Wide Web brings to our doors.

Once you have gone through the website, drop me a line, and tell me what you think. Please be nice. Constructive criticisms and suggestions are accepted, but if you feel there is something broken, then be prepared to tell me how to fix it !!

Please make sure you leave a contact name and address. Anonymous entries won’t be viewed or considered!!

The long vision goal – is to have All Points Cycling as the cycling national standard. A very lofty goal, yes, but we all need a goal and I believe All points Cycling is the way to achieve that in regard to Safe and Defensive cycling.

Thank you for your time. I hope you will continue to come back and follow me and my blog now that we are back. Once a month is a goal, and I believe I can make that.

Thanks, Safe Ride Home

Chuck Glover

All Points Cycling

Master Cycling Instructor

Maple Ridge BC CANADA


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